Featured Set: Stuffed Animal Applique Quilt Blocks
Weare featuring this seriously adorable set of stuffed animal applique quilt blocks. You can use this set just for the Designs By JuJu exclusive appliques, but they also come with the precious heart stipple backgrounds option too! We decided to make the stippled background after months of our tester, Margie asking for another quilt set. If you have never made a stippled quilt before but want to try, check out our Applique Stipple Background Tutorial.
No Stippling
As you can see, these cute patchwork style stuffed animal designs can be used without the stippled background. Having the option of stippling almost makes it feel like you have two completely different design sets, for the price of one!
Each design comes with the applique and it's respective stippled background. There are three sizes of blocks per design included: 5 inch: 5x7 hoop, 6 inch: 6x10 hoop and 7 inch: 8x8 hoop. These include the stippling as well as the applique in one file.
In addition to each of the applique designs, you will also receive a folder called "stipple." This includes vertical and horizontal stippled sashing strips to go with each size, and a stippled corner block.
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