Calling all quilt lovers!! If you are looking for some new quilt inspiration, you've definitely come to the right place. We are so excited to show off some of the amazing customer quilt projects that we've been seeing recently!

Quilt by Brenda

How cute is this quilt that Brenda made?? She used our Cute Animals Applique to make it. We love the how well the colors & patterns compliment each other! Great job Brenda :)

Quilt by Barbara

This quilt that Barbara made came out so beautifully! We love the color choices so much. This would make such a great gift for the little ones in your life! She used our Baby Blessings and Simply Farm Critters Applique to make this.

Quilt by Becky

This quilt that Becky made is so pretty! She used our Be Kind Critters Applique to make it. We absolutely love the different fabric and quilt block choices she made. Great job Becky! :)

Quilt by Robin

We are loving the way Robin's quilt turned out!! Putting these colorful trucks on white blocks really makes them pop. Robin used our Cute Monster Trucks Applique to make this adorable quilt!

Send us your Projects

We can't wait to see what you've been working on. If you have a recent project you are proud of, please send us a picture or two! To submit projects for our showcase, or if you have any questions, please email: [email protected].

Want more JuJu Inspiration?

Check out more Customer Projects blog posts HERE

Want The Sets You Saw?

Cute Animals Applique Baby Blessing Simply Farm Critters Applique Be Kind Critters Applique Cute Monster Trucks Applique